Author Index


  • Azizi Toupkanloo, Hossein Study of hydrogen bond between the anion and cation in the methyl ethyl imidazolium bis (tri fluoro methylsulfonylmethane) amide ionic liquid using density functional theory (DFT) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 1-18]
  • Azizi Toupkanloo, Hossein Theoretical investigations on the interactions of some drug fragments with guanine and adenine nucleic acid: DFT method, AIM analysis and NBO calculations [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 33-51]


  • Bargi, Maryam Investigation of intramolecular hydrogen bond in Anthranilic acid derivatives [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 53-66]


  • Darugar, Vahidreza Tautomerization and Intramolecular Hydrogen bond Strength of para Chlorine-Benzoylacetone by Quantum Computation and Spectrometry Results [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 27-34]


  • Ebrahimi, Ali p [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 15-28]
  • Ebrahimi, Mahmood Study of molecular and electronic structure of a new proton transfer compound with 2,6–pydc and py–3–cm: Synthesis and DFT calculations [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 1-10]
  • Eshghi, Hosein Tautomerization and Intramolecular Hydrogen bond Strength of para Chlorine-Benzoylacetone by Quantum Computation and Spectrometry Results [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 27-34]


  • Hosseini, Aeyed Javad A tautomerism in 2-amino-7H-purine-6-thiol: Theoretical study using implicit/explicit salvation models [Volume 7, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 41-52]


  • Khojandi, Mahya The comparision of NQR-NMR tensors and chemical reactivity of Mirtazapine and Normirtazapine analogues using quantum mechanics methods [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 19-26]


  • Madadi Mahani, Nosrat QSAR Study of New Biphenylic Derivatives as CB2 Receptor Ligands by Quantum Chemical Descriptors [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 57-65]
  • Mohadesi zarandi, Alireza QSAR Study of New Biphenylic Derivatives as CB2 Receptor Ligands by Quantum Chemical Descriptors [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 57-65]
  • Mohammadi, Najmeh QSAR Study of New Biphenylic Derivatives as CB2 Receptor Ligands by Quantum Chemical Descriptors [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 57-65]
  • Moosavi-Tekyeh, Zainab Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding of (E)-N'-(n-Fluoro-2-hydroxybenzylidene) Nicotinohydrazide: A DFT study [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 11-19]


  • Rahmani, Zoha Theoretical investigations on the interactions of some drug fragments with guanine and adenine nucleic acid: DFT method, AIM analysis and NBO calculations [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 33-51]


  • Tahan, Arezoo The comparision of NQR-NMR tensors and chemical reactivity of Mirtazapine and Normirtazapine analogues using quantum mechanics methods [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 19-26]


  • Vakili, Mohammad Tautomerization and Intramolecular Hydrogen bond Strength of para Chlorine-Benzoylacetone by Quantum Computation and Spectrometry Results [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 27-34]


  • Zahedi-Tabrizi, Mansoureh Investigation of intramolecular hydrogen bond in Anthranilic acid derivatives [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2018, Pages 53-66]