Chemical composition essential oil obtained from Fruit and stem of Drema ammoniacum D. Don. By spectroscopic manner GC and GC-MS

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch

2 Islamic Azad University/ Faculty member

3 azad university



In this research, the essential oil of Fruit and stem Drema ammoniacum was obtained whit hydrodistillation and analyzed by spectroscopic manner gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled whit mass spectroscopy.
90.06% of essential oil obtained from Fruit were recognized. Limonene (%5.81) ، Alpha-fenchyl acetate (%6.16) ، Alpha-amorphene (%9.57) ، Alpha-Pinene (%10.60) and 4-Carene (%38.84) were the main component in the Fruit essential oil.
77.83% of essential oil obtained from stem were recognized. Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol (%5.86) ، Alpha-terpinolene (%6.50) ، Sabinene (%7.19) ، Beta-myrcene (%2.30) ، Beta-phellandrene (%13.28) ، and Dillapiole (%18.04) were the main component in the Fruit essential oil.
