Isolation and Identification of Essential Oils of Prangos latiloba Korov Plant by Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry

Document Type : Original Article


Gonbad University


Medicinal plants have a special value in life sciences and medicine in terms of disease prevention and treatment. In recent years, the use of medicinal plants is increasing day by day due to the proof of its beneficial effects, cheapness, not having many side effects and also being environmentally friendly. In this study, the essential oils of different parts of the aromatic and wild plant of Prangos latiloba Korov were extracted by water distillation and the compounds formed by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were investigated. The main constituents of the essential oil of this plant were limonene (13.54%), myrcene (8.58%), elemol (7.79%) and alpha-phellandrene (6.88%), respectively.
