Chemical composition of the essential oil obtained with hydrodistillation and head space solid phase micro extraction of the Prangos uloptera DC. From IRAN by spectroscopic manner GC AND GC/MS

Document Type : Original Article


Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch


Chemical composition of the essential oil obtained with hydrodistillation and head space solid phase micro extraction of the Prangos uloptera DC. From IRAN by spectroscopic manner GC AND GC/MS
In this research prangos ulopetra DC. collected from Miami shahrood aria. the essential of the plant obtained with hydrodistillation and HS-SPME instrument. Analysis essential oil obtained by two manner, with GC and GC/MC showed that 2-metheyl Benzoaldehyd(11/37%), α-Pinene (10/03%) ، β-Phellandrene (9/74%) Sabinene(9/04%) E-β-Ocimene(8/90%) octane(8/81%) γ- Terpinen(6/82%) Allo-Ocimene (6/76%) were the main component of the oil obtained with Hydrodistillation.
α -Pinene(20/43%), 1 (1-propynyl) cyclohexene(13/52%), sabinene(12/31%), β-Phellandrene (11/49%), E-β-Ocimene (6/76%) were the main component in the oil obtained with head space solid phase micro extraction
